Welcome to Gender+ Research DOCC

On this plaform you will have the opportunity to access:

  • the courses delivered by GE Academy H2020 project in the years 2020 and 2021 in a static mode;
  • more courses to come that will be designed by Smart Venice and partners under different frameworks;

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Welcome to Gender+ Research Distributed Open Collaborative Courses

On this platform you will have the opportunity to access:

  • The course “Advancing inclusive Gender Equality Plans in Research Organizations: Knowledge and Tools for intersectional and intersectoral approaches”, developed as part of the NEXUS Horizon Europe project -Twinning Research and Innovation Institutions to Design and Implement Inclusive GEPs;
  • The courses delivered by GE Academy H2020 project in the years 2020 and 2021 in static mode;
  • Forthcoming courses that will be developed as part of three additional projects:
    • FIT – Fairness in Teaching; 
    • BIAS – Mitigating Biases of AI in the Labor Market;
    • FIERCE – Feminist Movements Revitalizing Democracy in Europe projects.

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DOROTTYA RÉDAI is an independent scholar working in the field of gender, sexuality and education in Hungary. She has a PhD in Gender Studies from Central European University, Budapest. She is currently affiliated with the Democracy Institute of CEU where she works in the GE Academy project. She is an experienced trainer. Besides her academic work, she is also active in the civic sphere, working with NGOs in the field of gender, sexuality and education and LGBT issues. Her monograph “Exploring Sexuality in Schools. The Intersectional Reproduction of Inequality” was published in 2019 by Palgrave Macmillan. Her new book, co-edited with Maria Tsouroufli, “Gender Equality and Stereotyping in Secondary Schools. Case Studies from England, Hungary and Italy” will also be published by Palgrave Macmillan in August 2021. She received the Emma Goldman Snowball Award from FLAX Foundation in 2020 for her feminist academic and activist work.
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Picture of Noirin MacNamara

Noirin MacNamara


Dr Nóirín MacNamara is the EDI Analyst in the Equality Diversity and Inclusion Directorate in TU Dublin. Her research background is in feminist theory and reproductive rights and justice.
Picture of Andrea Krizsán

Andrea Krizsán


Andrea Krizsan is Senior Research Fellow at the Democracy Institute and Professor at the School of Public Policy and the Gender Studies Department. She is interested in understanding policy change in countries of Central and Eastern Europe. She works on different equality policy fields including gender equality policy, policies on gender based violence, policies addressing ethnic inequalities and intersectionality. Her current research aims to analyze the politics of policy backsliding in times of crisis and illiberal democracy and forms of resistance to such reversal. Her most recent book on the topic with Conny Roggeband on opposition to the Istanbul Convention and its consequences is forthcoming with Palgrave in 2021. She also co-edited with Abels, MacRae and van den Vleuten the Routledge Handbook on Politics and Gender published in March 2021. She is the recepient of the inaugural Emma Goldman Award for her substantial contributions to the study of feminist and inequality issues in Europe. Her previous publications include a book with C.M. Roggeband which analysed domestic violence policy reforms in five Central and Eastern European countries (Routledge, 2018), articles in Politics and Governance, European Journal of Politics and Gender, Violence against Women, Journal of International and Comparative Social Policy, Ethnic and Racial Studies, Social Politics, and Journal for Ethnic and Minority Studies and chapters in several edited volumes. She edited volumes on gendering democratic backsliding in Central and Eastern Europe (2019, with Roggeband), a on women’s movements mobilizing for policy change (2015), on institutionalizing intersectionality and the changing nature of European equality regimes (with J. Squires and H. Skjeie, 2012) and on ethnic monitoring and data collection (2001). Besides her academic work Andrea also acts as the Chair of the CEU Senate Equal Opportunity Committee and she leads the CEU team of the SUPERA Project – Supporting the Promotion of Equality in Research and Academia.
Andrea has a PhD in Political Science from the Central European University.

Andrea Krizsan | CEU People

Picture of Lorena Pajares

Lorena Pajares


Lorena is a trainer and gender and development consultant, with +20 years of professional experience combined with a strong academic grounding in Social Sciences, participatory research and feminist methodologies. She is currently engaged with the Horizon2020 projects SUPERA (Supporting the Promotion of Equality in Research and Academia) and UniSAFE (Making universities and research organisations safe from gender-based violence) at the Complutense University of Madrid, and has collaborated with many other institutions, Public Administrations and Third Sector organisations in social research and training projects aimed at gender transformative action.

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Picture of Ana Belen Amil

Ana Belen Amil


Ana Belén Amil is currently working as Gender Equality Officer at Central European University (Budapest) for the EU-funded SUPERA Project (Supporting the Promotion of Equality in Research and Academia). She holds an Erasmus Mundus 2-year Master’s degree in Women’s and Gender Studies and two postgraduate degrees in clinical psychology from the University of Buenos Aires.
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Picture of Yvonne Galligan

Yvonne Galligan


Yvonne Galligan is Director of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion and Professor of Comparative Politics in Technological University Dublin. Yvonne has produced over 100 publications on gender equality, including (with Sara Clavero) ‘Delivering gender justice in academia through gender equality plans? Normative and practical challenges’ in Gender, Work & Organisation (2021). She has led multiple institutional applications for Athena SWAN accreditation. Yvonne has served on a range of public boards in Ireland and the UK dealing with constitutional, political and policy issues. In recognition of her scholarly contributions to gender equality she was granted Honorary Fellowship of Trinity College Dublin and received an honorary doctorate from the University of Edinburgh.
Picture of Sara Clavero

Sara Clavero


Sara Clavero is Senior Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Technological University Dublin and Deputy Director of the Research Centre in Inclusive and Equitable Cultures (RINCE). She has extensive experience teaching and researching in the field of gender equality. Her interdisciplinary background (philosophy, sociology and political studies) is a major asset when it comes to working with scholars from many disciplines. She has written widely on the gender justice and democracy in the EU and is now focusing on deconstructing the meaning of merit in Higher Education in Europe. Latest publications include “Delivering gender justice in academia through gender equality plans? Normative and practical challenges”, Gender, Work & Organization (2021, with Y. Galligan) and “Analysing gender and institutional change in academia: evaluating the utility of feminist institutionalist approaches”, Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management (2020, with Yvonne Galligan).
Picture of Bente Knoll

Bente Knoll


Bente Knoll holds a Master’s Degree in Landscape Planning and Architecture, a PhD in Transport and Traffic Planning and a certificate in mainstreaming-Gender-and-Diversity-in-Organisations. She is managing director of B-NK GmbH Büro für nachhaltige Kompetenz (Consultancy for Sustainable Competence) – a SME and independent research institute and consultancy located in Vienna, Austria. In planning and communication processes as well as in technology research and development projects the Consultancy for Sustainable Competence points out the relevance of gender and diversity and develops action-oriented solutions towards gender equality and quality management. Bente Knoll’s main professional interests and area of expertise are in integrating gender and diversity perspectives in research and consulting processes in science, engineering, technology, urban, transport and landscape planning, mobility research as well as sustainable development. In addition to her work as a consultant, Bente Knoll holds teaching assignments – basic and advanced lecture.
Picture of Vera Regitz-Zagrosek

Vera Regitz-Zagrosek


Cardiologist and founder of the Institute of Gender in Medicine and of the International Society Gender Medicine (IGM). Coordinator of 3 gender related European projects, EUGENMED – Roadmap to Gender implementation in Biomedicine, EUGIM -European Curriculum in Gender Medicine, and GENCAD – Gender in coronary artery disease. Coordinator of the first DFG Research projects on Sex and Gender, 2001 -2015, “Gender in myocardial hypertrophy” and the pilot project “Gender Medicine” (BMBF). Task Force Leader for the Guidelines “Cardiovascular Diseases in Pregnancy” of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC). Focus of work: sex- and gender specific mechanisms in cardiovascular diseases.
Picture of Maxime Forest

Maxime Forest


Maxime is currently involved as evaluator or trainer in a number of EU funded structural change projects such as Gender Smart, Gearing Roles, SUPERA and RESET. He has participated in numerous applied research projects devoted to the comparative analysis of gender equality policies in the EU, including in the field of research and innovation, and contributed to the development of the GEAR tool for EIGE and DG Research. Maxime served as an executive member of the French High Council for Gender Equality and a member of the Advisory Committee on Gender Equality of the European Commission (2013-2019). He has published extensively on gender equality policies and gender expertise. Recent publications include a chapter on Europeanization in Abels G., MacRae H., Kriszan A. (eds.), and The Routledge Handbook on Gender and EU politics (Routledge, 2021), The Politics of Feminist Knowledge Transfer: gender training and gender expertise co-edited with L. Ferguson and M. Bustelo (Palgrave, 2016)

Picture of Trine Rogg Korsvik

Trine Rogg Korsvik


Trine Rogg Korsvik is Senior Adviser at Kilden genderresearch.no. She holds a Ph.D. in history, specialized in the history of feminism and women’s movements. She has experience from European research cooperation on gender related issues and as a researcher and lecturer at the Centre for Gender Research at the University of Oslo. Since 2017, she is running the Kilden initiated project Integrating the Gender Dimension in Research, presenting best practices from a variety of scientific fields, and is managing Kilden’s women’s history project kvinnehistorie.no. Trine has published numerous articles and books on gender related topics, including «What is the Gender Dimension in Research?», with Linda Marie Rustad.
Picture of Nathalie Wuiame

Nathalie Wuiame


Nathalie Wuiame, is an independent consultant working for Yellow Window, and a lecturer at Rennes University (France) in gender equality on the work floor. Nathalie has developed her expertise on gender equality for 25 years. Since 2008, she delivered trainings on gender mainstreaming, gender budgeting and gender equality for the Council of Europe and for public administrations in Belgium. She is a member of the European Network of legal experts in gender equality (equalitylaw.eu)
She has been involved since 2000 in evaluation and monitoring of the integration of gender in research policies. She was involved in the gender impact assessment study of the Human Potential and Socio-Economic Knowledge of the 5th Framework Programme in the Gender monitoring of the Mobility actions under FP6 and the feasibility study for the creation of the European Platform of women’s scientists. She is currently engaged in two Horizon 2020 projects, UniSAFE, aiming at making Universities and research organisations safe of gender based violence (https://unisafe-gbv.eu) and RESITERE, on reducing gendered inequalities caused by COVID 19 (https://resistire-project.eu) as member of the Yellow Window team.
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Picture of Lucy Ferguson

Lucy Ferguson


Lucy Ferguson has worked for Yellow Window as a trainer for the Gender Equality Academy, including managing and facilitating the Training of Trainers Programme 2020 and 2021. She has recently facilitated a number of workshops on resistances to gender equality in research and innovation. She has collaborated with a range of institutions as a trainer and researcher on structural change for gender equality, including UN Women, ICT-ILO, the Commonwealth Secretariat and the European Commission. She is the author of a number of publications on gender training, including: ‘Exploring privilege through feminist gender training’, (European Journal of Politics and Gender, February 2019); Working Paper Series on Training for Gender Equality (UN Women Training Centre, 2019); Gender Training: a transformative tool for gender equality (Palgrave, 2018); and The Politics of Feminist Knowledge Transfer: Gender Training and Gender Expertise, co-edited with María Bustelo and Maxime Forest (Palgrave, 2016).
Picture of Lut Mergaert

Lut Mergaert


Lut Mergaert is an experienced Research Director and gender expert at Yellow Window, with a demonstrated history of setting up and coordinating multi-country research projects. Skilled in Gender Mainstreaming, Capacity-building, Evaluations, EU Gender Equality policy, International Relations, and Project Coordination. Strong research professional with a PhD focused in Management Sciences from Radboud University Nijmegen. Lut is Scientific Director of the GE Academy Project, and with YW partner in several H2020 projects on Institutional Change
Picture of Maria Sangiuliano

Maria Sangiuliano


Maria Sangiuliano, PhD in Cognitive and Learning Studies, senior gender expert and researcher, has 20 years’ experience in EU funded projects and programmes on gender equality. Her research and work is located at the intersections between social and technological innovation to make innovation policies and processes more sustainable and inclusive through diversity sensitive co-design and participatory design methods. Among her most recent endeavours, Maria was in charge of supporting the recently concluded H2020 EQUAL-IST partners in achieving institutional change for gender equality and is currently leading the Smart Venice team in the GE Academy consortium and other projects.
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Picture of Vasia Madesi

Vasia Madesi


Vasia Madesi is an experienced professional in EU project management, with a specialization in coordination and support of European Research and Innovation projects. She holds a BSc in Political Sciences from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and an MSc in Political Theory and Philosophy. Since 2014, Vasia has participated in the implementation of several research and innovation projects which cover various sectors, including entrepreneurship, innovation and technology with a gender+ and inclusion dimension. She is currently part of the Train the Trainers network of the GE Academy project.
Picture of Marcela Linková

Marcela Linková


Marcela Linková PhD is the head of the Centre for Gender and Science at the Institute of Sociology of the Czech Academy of Sciences. Her research focuses on sociology of gendered organizations, research careers, governance of research and research assessment as well as the analysis of public policies for gender equality in R&I. She is the chair of the ERAC Standing Working Group on Gender in Research and Innovation. Marcela is the coordinator of Horizon 2020 GENDERACTION and participates in GE Academy, Gender-SMART, CASPER, UniSAFE and RESISTIRE. Her work has appeared in European Journal of Women’s Studies, Gender and Research, and Science and Public Policy, among others. With Mary Frank Fox and Kjersten Bunker Whittington she contributed to the 4th edition of the Handbook of Science and Technology Studies (2018) and with Lut Mergaert to the Routledge Handbook of Gender and EU Politics (2021).

Picture of Marzia Cescon

Marzia Cescon


Marzia Cescon is EU Project Manager and Researcher at Smart Venice since 2018. She was previously Junior EU Project Officer at the Veneto Regional Administration for three years  and she has contributed to a wide array of EU funded projects mainly focused on SMEs and sustainable development. She holds a master’s degree in business administration as well as a Master Diploma in Global economics and social affairs at Ca’ Foscari University in Venice in partnership with the International Labour Organization, where she graduated with honours. In 2019 she has attended a course for trainers in “Gender, Women, Peace and Security” organized by the Human Rights Center of the University of Padua in collaboration with UNESCO. Marzia has also worked for the European Delegation of Union of Chambers del Veneto.

At Smart Venice, Marzia has run the implementation of the Gender4STEM and is currently managing the H2020 Families-Share Project as well as working on the H2020 CALIPER project supporting Universities and Research Institutes in the design and implementation of Gender Equality Plans and institutional change.

Picture of Inés Sánchez de Madariaga

Inés Sánchez de Madariaga


Inés Sánchez de Madariaga is UNESCO Chair on Gender Equality Policies in Science, Technology and Innovation and Professor of Urban Planning at Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, and a leading international expert on gender in city planning, architecture and STEM with extensive experience in both public policy and research. She is member of the Leadership Advisory Council of the Spanish UN-Sustainable Solutions Development Network and an Advisor to the Executive Director of UN-Habitat. She has been Chair of the international COST network Gender, Science, Technology and Environment, genderSTE; co-Director of the EU-US Gendered Innovations in Science, Health & Medicine, Engineering, and Environment. As a member of the European Commission Helsinki Group on Gender in Research and Innovation and Chair the EC Expert Group on Structural Change of Research Organizations, she played a key role in the negotiations to introduce gender as a central element of the EC research program Horizon2020. She is/has been member of the Scientific Advisory Committees of the European projects Genport, Genovate, Gender Action, RRITools, Libra, Sagerip, GEDII, and Principal Investigator of the EC FP projects Gender-Net, RRING, GE-Academy, and TRIGGER. She is an EC Urbact expert and a member of the Scientific Committee of the UNESCO global project to promote gender in science SAGA. She has held public office in Spain as Deputy Director General for Architecture, Advisor to the Minister of Housing, Advisor to the Minister of Science and Innovation, Director of the Women and Science Unit at the Cabinet of the Secretary of State for Research, Technology and Development. She is a former Fulbright grantee and she has been Visiting Researcher at the Bauhaus-Weimar in Germany, the London School of Economics, and Columbia University in the City of New York.

Picture of Inés Novella Abril

Inés Novella Abril


Inés Novella Abril holds a Master in Architecture and a Master in Equal Opportunities, she also studied at the Eesti Kunstiakadeemia Urban Studies Master during 2005-2006. As part of the Department of Urban Planning of the Technical University of Madrid, she is a researcher and project coordinator at the UNESCO Chair on Gender Equality Policies in Science, Technology and Innovation. Her research focuses on gender-responsive spatial planning and design, and on structural change and gender policies in STEM institutions. Inés has participated in different European projects on gender equality and responsible research and innovation (RRI) in S&T institutions (genderSTE, TRIGGER, RRING, GE-Academy, Gendered Innovations). She has been visitor researcher and guest lecturer at different Spanish and European universities. Inés has been in charge of a number of training courses on gender in STEM fields targeting professionals, researchers and managers from both public and private institutions. Her most recent works are the consultancy for the Spanish government on gender and housing, and for ADIF (Administrator of Railway Infrastructures in Spain) on how to introduce gender criteria in the planification of railway infrastructures and stations. She is the author and co-author of different toolkits, articles and book chapters on gender in spatial planning. Inés is the Western Europe Area Editor of the Bloomsbury Global Encyclopedia of Women in Architecture, to be published in 2021. Her participatory action research with women on safety in public space has been recently selected for the Spanish Pavilion in the 2018 Edition of the Venice Biennale of Architecture. She is at the moment a consultant for different regional administrations on gender in territorial and urban planning, housing and mobility.