Live webinar on organisational culture

Re-humanising work and life in academia and research: Women and men as partners in building gender equality

Wednesday, October 20th, 10.00-11.15 am CEST

Registration Link


  • Jennifer de Vries 
  • Tim Muirhead

Learning Objectives

Promote reflection and dialogue about:

  • The different challenges, and the different work, of women and men in creating both equity and humanity in all spheres of work and living. 
  • Creating equity with work/life balance, not at the expense of it. 
  • Keys to doing this work in partnership (beyond ‘men as allies’ to ‘men and women as partners for change’)
  • The ‘bifocal approach: the personal and the structural/cultural
  • Working as partners in doing the gender equality work

Target groups

  • HR officers
  • Head of departments
  • GE officers/diversity officers
  • Women and men (self-identified) wanting to engage in gender equity 


We fully acknowledge that people of other genders will have specific issues that may not be specifically addressed through this webinar. While some foundational principles will relate to all genders, the primary context for this webinar is the power dynamics within and between males and females, representing the dominant and non-dominant groups in the workplace.