
The Spanish legal framework establishes that is mandatory to have an anti-sexual harassment policy in every public organization, such as a Protocol for the prevention of sexual harassment and guidelines of the complaints procedure. My institution belongs to a broader network of research centres at a national level, and even though our centre does not have a specific anti-sexual harassment policy, the central organization does. Therefore, the main centre has a Protocol for the prevention and action against sexual harassment, but it is necessary to deploy this institutional document in our research centre considering the context of our organization. In this sense, recently we have published the first Gender Equality Plan of the institution that foresees the following actions related to sexual harassment prevention and action:
• An explicit institutional commitment of the Governing board to maintain a work environment free of sexual and gender-based harassment
• The conduction of a staff survey on sexual harassment to establish a perception baseline on this issue
• Raising awareness sessions of the implications of sexual and gender-based harassment for all staff
• The deployment and dissemination of the Protocol and to promote the creation of prevention and support structures and channels, available and accessible for all staff
• The nomination of the individuals responsible for this issue in the organisation and the provision of specific training on sexual and gender-based harassment