Home Forums Course assignment: knowledge-sharing of work-life balance issues Ad hoc care for children in the workplace

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  • #3775

    In my opinion, an interesting solution would be the organisation of “hourly” care for children in the workplace. In my country, public nurseries and kindergartens are usually open until 4 p.m. or 5 p.m. On the other hand, some professional duties, such as conducting lectures or exercises for students, are scheduled for the late afternoon or even evening hours. The possibility of taking a child with you and leaving it under qualified care for the duration of classes would certainly be very helpful not only for employees, but also for students with children. The task of such places of care would be to perform caring functions, without the need for education, so children could be grouped in a fairly wide age range, which would facilitate the logistics of organizing such places.

    Voichita Radu

    I agree with the solution of “hourly” care for children in the workplace. Will be possible for institutions and universities to offer qualified care for stuff children during teaching and administrative work. The stuff could make a weekly schedule in advance so will be more easy to see how many children at one moment in time must be care.


    I agree with your point.
    Nonetheless in my institution the majority of administrative staff commute to work everyday by train of bus: taking children with you for a long trip is not always advisable
    Maybe a possibile solution would be if these kind of measures would be offered by municipalities/city as part of the overall education/childcare sector

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